Field of application body shaping: buy ultrasonic cavitation device - an overview
Body shaping - indications
“Aging attractively” is no longer associated with just aging processes on the face. People want to feel good in their bodies for as long as possible. To achieve this, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are important factors. Of course, this also includes sufficient exercise and corresponding sporting activities in order to maintain a slim body with skin that is as firm as possible.
But with increasing age and declining metabolism it becomes more and more difficult to maintain or get the desired figure. Despite a conscious diet and regular exercise, the tissue becomes looser and the previous body contours change. Smaller or larger fat pads develop, areas of skin sag or show unsightly dents and wrinkles. The contours of the body become blurred.
Those affected are looking for a solution to these aesthetic body problems. It should help as quickly and sustainably as possible to get closer to your desired figure, get rid of stubborn fat deposits and get tighter and smoother body contours. In body contouring treatments, the outcome is influenced by many external factors. These include the hormonal constellation, individual metabolic processes, the respective eating habits and personal constitution.
With modern and innovative device technologies, effective and gentle treatments can be carried out today, which enable quickly visible and long-lasting results in body shaping.
Since it was founded in 1999, MBC Medical Bio Care GmbH has specialized in the sale of innovative cosmetic devices. Right from the start, our customers achieve excellent and lasting results in combination with professional high-tech beauty equipment and aesthetic expertise.
Mit „Attraktiv altern“ verbindet man heutzutage nicht mehr nur Alterungs­prozesse im Gesicht. Die Menschen wollen sich so lange wie möglich auch in ihrem Körper rundum wohl fühlen. Um dies zu erreichen sind eine gesunde Lebensweise und eine ausgewogene Ernährung wichtige Faktoren. Dazu gehören natürlich auch ausreichend Bewegung und entsprechend sportliche Aktivitäten, um einen schlanken Körper mit möglichst straffer Haut zu erhalten. Doch mit zunehmendem Alter und nachlassendem Stoffwechsel wird es immer schwieriger, die Wunschfigur zu erhalten, bzw. zu bekommen. Trotz bewusster Ernährung und regelmäßiger Bewegung wird das Gewebe wird lockerer und die bisherigen Körperkonturen verändern sich. Kleinere oder größere Fettpölsterchen entstehen, Hautareale erschlaffen oder zeigen unschöne Dellen und Falten. Die Konturen am Körper verschwimmen.
Betroffene suchen nach einer Lösung für diese ästhetischen Körperprobleme. Sie soll möglichst schnell und nachhaltig helfen, der eigenen Wunschfigur wieder näher zu kommen, hartnäckige Fettdepots loszuwerden und wieder gestraffte und glatte Körperkontouren zu erhalten. Bei Behandlungen zur Körperformung wird das Ergebnis von vielen äußeren Faktoren beeinflusst. Diese sind u.a. die hormonelle Konstellation, individuelle Stoffwechsel­vorgänge, die jeweiligen Essgewohnheiten und die persönliche Konstitution.
With modern and innovative device technologies, effective and gentle treatments can be carried out today, which enable quickly visible and long-lasting results in body shaping.
Since it was founded in 1999, MBC Medical Bio Care GmbH has specialized in the sale of innovative cosmetic devices. Right from the start, our customers achieve excellent and lasting results in combination with professional high-tech beauty equipment and aesthetic expertise.
Buying an ultrasonic cavitation device:
What should you pay attention to?
MBC Medical Bio Care's powerful device technologies are among the best and newest technologies on the market to achieve fast and effective body contouring improvements. In addition to the high effectiveness of our user-friendly systems, the applications are characterized by only a low risk of side effects without long regeneration times and almost painless treatments.
Every device for medical and cosmetic aesthetic treatment naturally has advantages and disadvantages. In order to make the right decision to purchase a professional and efficient device technology for excellent results in the field of body shaping, you should consider the following criteria:
- Sustainable effectiveness and security through the latest security technology
- High effect, quickly visible, long-lasting effects and results with optimal treatment success and improvements
- Numerous areas of application and treatment options
- Different, individually adjustable intensity levels and precise energy delivery
- Fast application, short treatment times
- As painless and safe treatment without anesthesia as possible
- Comfort for the user and the economic efficiency of the device
- Renowned manufacturer
- Reliable technology tested over many years and warranty
- Operating instructions and professional competent training
- How fast and competent is the service in the event of a device problem?
- Which company not only supports you before the purchase, but is also at your side afterwards.
And above all:
is your device innovative and technically up to date?
Can you offer your patients a unique treatment and thus differentiate yourself from the existing range of treatments in your region?
The 3D-ULTIMATE PRO device offered by MBC Medical Bio Care meets all of these criteria 100%. When you buy an MBC device, you are opting for a high-performance device with the latest technology. This ensures successful use in your practice and with your demanding patients for aesthetic treatments on the face and body and nothing stands in the way of your personal business success.
Buy ultrasonic cavitation device: 3D-ULTIMATE PRO
MBC Medical Bio Care GmbH uses the 3D ULTIMATE PRO device for effective body treatments. This device is manufactured by 3D Aesthetics in Great Britain and is one of the most popular applications for almost all aesthetic body problems. Countless satisfied patients swear by this method to treat fat deposits, slack areas of skin, unsightly dents and cellulite quickly, effectively and easily. The 3D Ultimate Pro connects and combines the highly effective methods of cryolipolysis, ultrasonic cavitation, radio frequency with vacuum and shock waves as Multifunctional platform in a single system. This is unique on the market and ensures a high level of satisfaction among the patients treated.
The individual technologies are applied individually or combined within a treatment session and used directly one after the other. In this way, every aesthetic body problem is treated with the best possible technology. By combining the individual innovative technologies one after the other, all relevant skin levels are reached in a targeted manner. This significantly improves and extends the effect and durability of the application result.
The following effective technologies are used in body shaping treatment with the 3D ULTIMATE PRO device:
With the 3D ULTIMATE PRO cryolipolysis cold therapy, problem areas on the abdomen, hips, Treat your legs or double chin gently. Cryolipolysis has become very popular and firmly established in the field of body contouring in recent years. With more than 450,000 documented treatments worldwide, cryolipolysis is one of the most popular alternatives to liposuction.
Scientific studies have found that fat cells are more sensitive to cold than other body cells. The principle makes use of cryolipolysis. With the 3D-ULTIMATE PRO cryolipolysis cold therapy, the cryolipolysis applicator is placed on the appropriate part of the body.
The area to be treated is sucked into the handpiece and between the cooling elements by a powerful vacuum. The fat cells are now cooled down to the clinically required temperature in a targeted and controlled manner.
During the treatment, the vacuum output automatically and permanently adapts to the respective skin condition, thus guaranteeing the greatest possible safety standard. At the same time, the skin is protected with a special cold fleece. By cooling the treated fat cells in a targeted manner, they can be treated in such a way that the body no longer recognizes them as functioning, living cells. The consequence of this is the triggering of a natural degradation process (apoptosis).
Ultrasound cavitation:
The 3D ULTIMATE PRO ultrasonic cavitation is used for deeper, firmer fat deposits . The low-frequency ultrasonic waves create a vibration within the fat layer. This results in high mechanical pressure on the cell membrane.
Radio frequency with vacuum:
The 3D ULTIMATE PRO radio frequency (RF) treatment heats the skin pain free for a period of time. The RF waves vibrate the water molecules in the deep dermis layer of the skin. This creates friction in different skin levels.
The result is controlled heating of the deeper skin layers. This warming causes a shrinking process in which expanded collagen fibers contract again and the connective tissue can be strengthened and strengthened through the formation of new collagen and elastin. As a result, the tissue becomes taut and plump again and sagging contours are clearly improved.
Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT), also known as shockwave therapy, has been used in medicine used to cause fragmentation of kidney stones. Radial pressure waves (RPV) are pulses generated by compressed air. This propels a projectile in a cylinder located in a handpiece towards a shock transmitter. This cylinder then hits the tip of the handpiece, forcing the energy into the skin.
Recent studies show that sound waves have not only mechanical but also biological effects and can stimulate the metabolism and improve the elasticity of the connective tissue.
Treatments with the ultrasonic cavitation device
Are the treatments painful?
All 3D ULTIMATE PRO applications are not painful and are easily tolerated without the use of anesthesia .
Are there any side effects?
There is little chance of side effects. After a cryolipolysis treatment, the skin may feel numb for a period of time. In rare cases, slight hematomas develop. After using radio frequency, the skin may be red for a few hours. However, this normalizes itself.
How many treatments are necessary?
For optimal treatment results, we recommend 4-8 treatment sessions at weekly intervals. For cryolipolysis, 1-3 sessions spaced 6-12 weeks apart.
Multifunctional platform for body treatments
Why MBC Medical Bio Care?
Since it was founded in 1999, MBC Medical Bio Care GmbH has specialized in the sale of innovative cosmetic devices. Right from the start, our customers achieve excellent and lasting results in combination with professional high-tech beauty equipment and aesthetic expertise.
- Highly economical devices for increasing sales
- Our service is available to you 24/7: solutions within 48 hours
- Professional advice & service, even after the purchase
- High-quality devices from renowned manufacturers
- High know-how: Experts for over 20 years
- Pioneers of permanent hair removal and cosmetic aesthetic treatments
Experience from our own institutes
In this way, we ensure our own constantly growing expertise in the optimal implementation of treatments. Through the experiences from our own institutes and the evaluation of the experiences and questions of MBC customers we have accumulated an enormous amount of theoretical, but above all practical expertise. Our customers benefit enormously from this.